Friday, June 11, 2010

My wrap is trapped!

So, yesterday I attempted my first gradation, on an already wisteria-dyed natural linen indio. I used dharma's better black procion dye, hoping for a true black-wisteria grad. But tragedy struck.

First off, some pictures during the process.

Right at the start:

Just before removing from the dye bath:
Waiting for soda ash:

Then, I did the soda ash bath, and then a soak in fixative. Next, off to the washing machine it went, with a bit of synthrapol to begin the rinsing process!

The first hot wash cycle finished, and I wanted to pull it out a bit just to see how it was looking so far. As I pulled the door handle of my FL washing machine, I heard a snap.... and the door wouldn't open Keep in mind, this was last night at 11pm so I wasn't able to call my landlords.

So me and Eric both attempted to work it open with a knife... no dice. I ran a couple more hot washes over the night, and the door resolutely stayed stuck closed. This morning I called the landlords first thing, and they called the whirlpool company and they aren't going to be able to send someone until Monday!!! I want to cry! My poor wrap.

Here is how it looks now...

I did a couple more hot washes, and from what I can tell there is no dye in the water, but I guess I can't be sure until I am able to get it out of the machine.

But this sucks on more than one level because we cloth diaper, I don't think I have enough to last until Monday, and my kitchen laundry is all full and needing to go in the wash as well Rrrrr, this just sucks!

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